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Custom field settings
So let's start filling the custom input fields which are needed to use the ReqText plugin correctly:
- You already have set the value for the Title. This title is used as plugin title in the backend of your VirtueMart environment and as title in the product description.
- The Show Title setting is used to enable or disable the displaying of the Title in the frontend product description.
- If the custom field is Published it can be used to add it to products. Disable it if you (temporarily) will not use the custom field.
- Set the Cart Attribute to Yes for the ReqText plugin to be of any use for the products and your customers during the ordering process.
- Enter a Description here if you want to give your customers more information about the required field. It will be displayed as separate text.
- Any Tooltip text will be used to display extra information in the form of a
- Set the Cart Input to Yes. This option is only available in VirtueMart 3.
All other options can be filled to your preferences or leave them blank. If you need more information about using Custom Fields in VirtueMart you can start here: