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Textarea input field
With the textarea input field you can let your customers enter a (large) text that doesn’t fit in one input field (like text ). The usage of the textarea is the same as the text input field with slightly different options to set:
- You can set the textarea input field to be required (or not) for this product. If you leave this option set to ‘no’ your customers can always order a product even if they leave the input field empty.
- This is the hint which is displayed when the user needs to fill in the custom field. It is multi-lingual aware and by default it shows “Required Field”.
- If you set this field a user needs to enter the minimal number of characters before the product can be added to the cart. When set to 0 or left blank no limit is set.
- What is the maximum number of characters a customer can enter in the textarea? Keep in mind you you probably want a long text from the customer for the product to order. If not you can better use the text input field.
- How many rows of the textarea must be shown in the product details? Leave this value blank if you want the browser to decide for you. Rows represents the height of the textarea.
- How many columns (=characters) of the textarea must be shown in the product details? Leave this value blank if you want the browser to decide for you. Columns represents the width of the textarea.
- This option allows you to set limitations to the input a user can enter. It is check by a jQuery script when the user starts typing and before the result is saved into the cart.