#2 add to cart not working

Posted in ‘ReqText VirtueMart Plugin’
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Latest post by uwix on Thursday, 10 April 2014 12:16 CEST

Original post by Clifton Golby - March 19 2014 in the Support Forum:

I set it up per the directions and if i try to add to cart without filling it in, it works good and gives popup. but when i fill it in and click add to cart, it just sais wait and does nothing.

Bug? That's not a bug, that's a feature. :-)

Most likely there's a javascript conflict. I've send you an e-mail with some questions in it so we can resolve this issue for you.

For all other users that cannot wait for a solution: please use FireFox and the add-on FireBug to determine where the conflict occurs. It'll give you a good starting point.


Let us know using this forum :-) and we'll do our best to solve the problem(s).

Bug? That's not a bug, that's a feature. :-)

For any user who's having similar problems; try to eliminate multiple lines of jQuery loading in your website.

A lot of plugins/modules use jQuery and they all load their own versions. These also get loaded every time in your website. Result? Conflicting jQuery libraries which cause plugins or modules not to work at all.

Quick and sweet solution? Download and install the free "jQuery Easy" plugin from the Joomla Extensions Directory (extensions.joomla.org).
This plugin will load only one jQuery library in your website pages and you can even set what versions should be used. This way it saves you a lot of time finding out what plugin/module has options to disable the loading of jQuery and best of all: it almost always fix your troubles instantly.

Ofcourse if the jQuery Easy plugin isn't the solution for you in combination with the ReqText plugin; use this forum to ask for help from us!

Happy Joomla! for all :-)

Bug? That's not a bug, that's a feature. :-)

In all the efforts to discover the root of the problems we've concluded two things:

The latest Joomla! version is needed. The plugin didn't seem to work correctly in Joomla! version 2.5.14. Why? We really couldn't say :-(

In some cases - like the one for this particular customer - an adapted customvmprices.js file is needed. These modifications will be implemented in the next version of ReqText which will be available for all ReqText subscribed customers.

In the meanwhile - if you experience the same problem - contact us and we'll assist you where we can!

Bug? That's not a bug, that's a feature. :-)

Support Availability

Working days: Monday to Friday. The is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week but will only be answered during workings days according CET.
Reply time: Depending on the complexity of your support issue it's usually between a few minutes and 48 hours. When we expect longer delays we will notify you when you file a ticket or reply.