How to use the plugin?
When the HitZero plugin is installed and published correctly it will add (by default) two buttons in the Article overview section in the back-end of your Joomla!™ website.
• Clear hits for multiple articles.
The button is added to the toolbar at the top of the Article view and this can reset the hit counter for multiple articles at once. For Joomla! 4 the
button can be found in the Action menu. Follow these steps to use the Clear All Hits button:
- Select the articles you want to reset by clicking the checkbox in front of them in the article list.
- Click the Clear All Hits button in the toolbar or from the Action dropdown menu in Joomla! 4
- A confirmation screen will popup answer with Ok to set the hit counter to zero for the selected articles.
• Clear hits for a single article.
You can also use HitZero for a single article so you can work 'fast'. At the front of each article there's little toolbar with options like publish, archive, etc. HitZero adds a little button (curved arrow) to reset the hits quickly for that single article. In a few simple steps you can reset the hits to zero:
- Click the curved arrow button (
) at the right of the star in front of the article you want to reset. For Joomla! 4 you click the circular button (
) at right of the article-counter.
- A confirmation screen will popup answer with Ok to set the hit counter to zero for the selected articles.
• Clear hits when editting an article (v1.2.2 and up).
When using version 1.2.2 from our plugin you can also reset the hits when editting your article.
- When you are in the edit mode of an article you can click on the Publishing tab and scroll down to see the Hits input field.
- This field is readonly but a button is added at the right of the field and is clickable if the hits are greater than zero. Click the button and confirm the popup message to reset the hits for this article.
[ Pay attention that only the hits are reset for the arcticle - all other changes have to be saved using the Save or Save & Close button! ]
That's all there is to it. Plain easy and anyone with the correct user rights can use it.
when you have reset the hit counter to zero for a single or multiple articles this cannot be undone!
If you want to restore the number of hits you'll have to keep track of the number of hits for that article yourself. And you'll have to execute the correct sql-queries yourself. HitZero cannot do this for you!