Publish/Unpublish Logging tab

tab publishYour Joomla!™ website can show content if it's set to published and hide the content when it's set to unpublished. To see who set any content item to a published or unpublished state you can use the options in this tab.
To prevent a complete a self repeating list we only describe the common options in a sort of one-liner and describe the other special ones seperatly:

  • Article, Category, Menu, Banner, Contact, Usernote, Newsfeed, Redirect, Smart Search, Tag, Plugin, Module, Language (un)publish: log the state of the content item in the FoolLog component.
  • Field, Field group (un)publish: log the state of the field items in the FoolLog component [Joomla!™ 3.7 and higher only].
  • Log state changes in: log in the frontend only, in the backend only or log on both sides.
  • Extension (un)publish: this is a special feature added for the FoolLog component. Joomla!™ has not a build in "dispatch-function" for extensions to get the publish state. So we've added one ourselves. Please do read the caution message if you encounter any problems logging for the publish state of extensions. This option will log the publish state of Extensions.
  • Update site (un)publish: this is a special feature added for the FoolLog component. Joomla!™ has not a build in "dispatch-function" for Update sites to get the publish state. So we've added one ourselves. Please do read the caution message if you encounter any problems logging for the publish state of Update sites. This option will log the publish state of Update sites.

All logs will contain time, date, username, article/extension title, etc. so you can always check who-did-what.