Filter overview on date

We've added an extra filter options for the log overview. The abillity to filter on certain dates so you can narrow logged actions down to, let's say, a single day or week.
The fields needed for this are at the top of the toolbar next to the search bar. So let's see how it works:

filter bars



Begin date
Select the date where the FoolLog records listing should start. Clicking the calendar icon will open a nice calendar for easy selecting the correct date.
End date
Select the date where the FoolLog records listing should end. Clicking the calendar icon will also open a popup calendar for you to select a date.

Click the filter btn button to start viewing the filtered list with the dates you've set.export. If the list isn't working as you've expected please make sure you've set the dates correctly or try it again by resettig the filter with the reset btn button.

Now the view is adjusted to the dates you've set to filter. That way you can check what things are logged during a certain period.