Purge log records

A separate button to purge FoolLog records? That's weird, we can just trash items and than delete them, isn't it?
Yes, so true but this purge option gives you more and faster control which records should be deleted. Be aware, we're talking about DELETING and not TRASHING!

Clicking the Purge button will result in a popup like the one below:

purge popup

Begin date
Select the start date for the FoolLog records to be deleted. Clicking the calendar icon will open a nice calendar for easy selecting the correct date.
End date
Select the end date for the FoolLog records to be deleted. Clicking the calendar icon will also open a popup calendar for you to select a date.

Click the purge button button to start the deleting of records with the dates you've set.export. If the purge isn't working as you've expected please make sure you've set the dates correctly.

TagWhen you execute the purge command all logs in the selected date range are permantly, indefinitly and really gone! There's no other way of getting that data back unless you have a backup from your database (recently made).

*** UWiX cannot be held responsible for any loss of log data on your website ***