hitzero iconJoomla! 4We're enjoying all the responses to the HitZero plugin so added some new feature to it :-)

This version has some major code optimation done to it and cleared of all 'old' Joomla! 3 code. Also added is the use of the BootStrap modal popup box which is used in other Joomla! 4 areas. Way better than the ugly Javascript popup we used before.

Also new is the possibility to clear the hits when you're editting your article. The Publishing tab contains a readonly field with the total number of hits for an article. The HitZero plugin now adds a Bootstrap button to reset the hits in that field. Just a nice addon, we think!

You can find a bit more information on the product page and you can download it from the HitZero download section. Ofcourse we've also updated the documentation for HitZero which can be found here.